Meeting Economic Challenges With Hope in the Middle East

Ministry Partners in Lebanon and Jordan Share Perspectives on 2022 and Beyond

A woman waters plants in pots outside a house made of scrap wood and corrigated metal

Many families in Lebanon are struggling to afford basic necessities.

As we reflect on all that has happened in 2022 and look ahead to a new year, we know that some hard places are especially hard. That’s certainly true in the Middle East.

Lebanon’s economic collapse caused hunger and desperation for families, while families in Jordan struggle to afford quality education for their children.

But both these countries possess a priceless resource – local Child Champions who are working tirelessly to help kids thrive and become the leaders that will bring hope to their communities in the future.

We recently asked Child Champions from Jordan and Lebanon about the programs in their communities, and they shared their experiences from last year as well as their hopes for the months to come.

An older model pickup is parked on a steep cobblestone street in Jordan lined with brick buildings marked with graffiti

Sponsors are helping local Child Champions bring hope to communities in Jordan.

What were some of the most challenging parts of 2022 in your area?

The most difficult thing in our region was and continues to be the economic crisis. In Lebanon, families make almost nothing when inflation is factored in. Fuel, medical care, and food are very limited and sometimes very difficult to find. In Jordan, the cost of education is extremely high in comparison to the income of most families. We must come up with creative solutions in order to make sure our children are served well in the midst of very difficult times.

Read about a school in Jordan that offers a quality education to kids from every walk of life.

Our Child Champions and Hope Centers go above and beyond to serve children and families. In what ways did you see this happen in 2022?

In Lebanon, our Hope Centers became feeding centers, distribution centers for clothes and shoes, and places where the whole community could receive medical care. Our Child Champions were committed to making sure that no matter how difficult a situation became, our kids received the best care possible. In Jordan, we extended our feeding and aid distribution programs so that our families would not go hungry and they would have their basic needs met.

What made the biggest impact on children and helped them thrive?

A teacher wearing a headscarf sits with a group of young children at a table in a classroom helping them read and write.

Sponsorship helps many children in Jordan get a quality education that their families could not otherwise afford.

In our region, thriving looks like hope that is alive. Most of the time last year, this meant that we needed to help the children in our program and their families make sure their basic needs were met. It’s hard to hope with a hungry belly or when it seems there are no prospects for your family’s future. This must be addressed first. And we did. After that, thriving looks a bit different for each child and family. But when we see a living hope in their eyes and hear it in their words, we know they are on their way to thriving.

“Thriving looks a bit different for each child and family. But when we see a living hope in their eyes and hear it in their words, we know they are on their way to thriving.”

What would you say to sponsors about the importance of their role in their child’s life?

Our region has experienced so much hardship, and our sponsors play a part in relieving the burden we carry for our children. We believe in the possibilities that our region has to heal and grow past the hardship and conflict it has known. That is what we are building here every day. As sponsors, supporting our kids not only helps them on their journey out of poverty, it helps their families as well. Education, medical care, food, clothing, and so many other things are part of what you bring to these kids. Thank you for seeing these children and wanting to invest in them. You are directly investing in a brighter and better tomorrow!

What is your biggest hope for the year ahead – for the children, families, or Hope Centers?

Our plan is simple: growth. We know the execution of that plan will involve a lot of hard work, but our region is ready to grow. Our Hope Centers and Child Champions are ready to welcome more children into the program. We are expanding our program and increasing our vocational training, after school, feeding, and family aid programs. We are excited about the future and what’s ahead for the program.



Learn more about Lebanon and Jordan and how Child Champions are helping kids there find hope.



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