Sponsorship Gives Quality Education
Sponsorship is helping children in poverty. The mother of a sponsored child in Jordan says that he is getting an education that they normally couldn’t afford, which gives him a chance for a future free from poverty.

Hafida wants her son Yousef to have opportunities in life that she didn’t have. Getting a quality education is the key to that, she says.
Hafida* is a mother of five who lives in Jordan. Two of her daughters were in the OneChild sponsorship program and now her 12-year-old son Yousef* is in the program. She says sponsorship made all the difference in the quality of education they received and are receiving in a private school.
The quality of public education in Jordan can be poor, especially for kids living in poverty. Some children don’t even know how to read after years of education.
Private schools offer a quality education, but most families living in poverty can’t afford to send their kids to private schools.
That’s why sponsorship funds in Jordan are used to cover a portion of private school fees for the children. This relief helps parents provide a bit more for the rest of their children since it helps their own funds go further. Through OneChild’s program, more than 3,000 kids in Jordan get a quality education to give them hope for a better future.

Sponsorship funds help cover the cost of a private education for kids like Yousef.
Kids registered in One Child’s program like Yousef also receive medical screening and career counseling.
And Child Champions also help equip, encourage, and inspire the teachers, principals, and other school staff who serve the children. School staff learn foundational principles of holistic child development so that they can provide for children’s needs and help them dream about and plan for their futures.
Hafida says the school Yousef attends “is a very special school because children do not advance to the next grade unless they know how to read and how to write and they know the material really, really well.”
The principal there also encourages and equips the teachers to keep the school’s high standards.
“I’m very happy that my children came and attended this school,” says Hafida. “And that’s why they’re succeeding, because of the good education that they are receiving.”
The sponsorship funds that help Yousef attend his private school ensure that he will have opportunities for success that Hafida did not.
“My desire is that they would get a good education, that they’re able to graduate and find good employment, to get good jobs, so that they have a life that is restful and not full of difficulties and challenges like we had to face,” Hafida says.
*Names changed to protect identities.
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