Sky Has No Limits: How a Boy Living in Poverty Held Onto His Dreams

By Princess Lorens Palogan, Hope Center Director   |  Photos courtesy of Hope Center

Nine-year-old Sky thought becoming a pilot was an impossible dream. Just when he was ready to abandon his dream because of poverty, Child Champions in the Philippines came into his life and showed him a reason to hold onto his hope.


Christmas at the hope center

Christmas at the Hope Center is one of Sky’s favorite times of the year.

Have you ever thought your biggest dreams possibly could come true?

Many people would say, “no.” But God has a different plan for a boy in the Philippines named Sky.

Like his name, Sky’s dream seemed to be beyond reach. He wants to be a pilot. True to his name, he wants to travel and see what the sky looks like from among the clouds.

This seemed like an impossible dream for a child growing up in an impoverished, fire-prone community.

Sky and his family live in a crowded neighborhood with small, roughly constructed wood homes where overhead electrical power lines are jumbled and overcrowded.

Overloaded power outlets that overheat or unattended candles can easily cause fires.

This means he regularly hears loud sirens and sees people running with nothing but hope in their hearts that their homes can be salvaged from the fire.

Each day Sky and his family have to face this reality. And in those surroundings, Sky felt that his dream was unlikely to come true.

The house of Sky is one of the rooms in this old apartment building

Sky and his family live in an apartment inside this old building.

Then a blessing came to Sky’s doorstep. Sky was chosen to be a part of a nearby OneChild Hope Center in partnership with Harvest Church of the Nazarene in Mandaluyong City.

At the Hope Center, Sky began to feel hopeful.

Sky came to know Jesus and His love for children like him. Sky also learned that God could make everything possible as long as he remains faithful to Him.

And knowing that the Lord had chosen him, Sky’s dreams grew even bigger. Not only did Sky want to be a pilot, God also put a desire in his heart to be part of the music ministry.

Every quarter, the Hope Center celebrates Children’s Sunday when the children from the Hope Center and Sunday School lead the congregation in praise and worship. And guess what? Sky was one of the lead singers!

With an outpouring of support from his mother, Katherine, and the Child Champions from his Hope Center, Sky was able to express his love for the Lord through singing. Now there is no stopping Sky because he also joined the music theory class where the children and youths are trained to play instruments.

Praise and worship team

Sky sings on the praise and worship team in his church.

With such encouragement and the educational and health support Sky also receives at his Hope Center, his dream of learning to fly no longer seems out of reach.

Sky has learned that walking with God is truly full of surprises.

He can use each one of us in ways we never imagined.

Sky may still have a lot to learn and experience, but God has made him a testimony to everyone that He sees our struggles and hears our prayers.

Let Sky’s journey with the Lord inspire you to never stop dreaming an impossible dream.

Because, with God, the sky is the limit!

Luke 1:37, “For nothing is impossible with God.”

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