Connecting Church Communities Around the World

Jenna Gatlin

A look into Plum Creek Church’s heart for missions from the perspective of creative Pastor Jonathan Witt.

Plum Creek Church, located in Castle Rock, Colorado, has always been a generous church. When their partnership with OneChild began in spring 2016, their pastoral leadership was not sure how the congregation would respond to the idea of child sponsorship. But they were amazed by the people’s investment and their heart for communities in need in Honduras and the Philippines.

“Seeing the tenderness and the number of people who are sponsoring has really unlocked something in our congregation,” says Jonathan. “This is the beginning of something. They’re not afraid to get their hands dirty and get out of their bubble.”


Executive Pastor of Operations, Stephen Tipps (left), and Lead Pastor Doug Miller (right), pose with the sponsored child of one of their staff members on Malapascua Island, Philippines.

The desire to serve these communities of families living in poverty has been solidified by the multiple mission trips that teams from Plum Creek have taken to visit their sponsored children and serve the Hope Centers. Most recently, they visited Malapascua Island in the Philippines, where the team was introduced to the local pastor and experienced his life and ministry with the children.

Jonathan says, “Pastor Doug is a pastor-supporter — he wants to see other pastors and other churches thrive. One of the things that’s exciting for our church and our leadership is asking, ‘How do we champion these pastors who are building the churches where we have sponsorships?’ There is this idea that these are ‘our guys,’ and we need to continue to support them and be
in partnership.”


Jonathan hopes as he looks back on the recent Philippines trip that the team will take their experience home with them and allow it to continue fueling the fire they feel for missions and serving God’s kingdom around the world.

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Charity Navigator Four-Star Rating

We are accountable to the children we serve AND to our donors.

Our accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring of our fund distribution. OneChild is also a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)