Her sponsor has given a teenager a firm foundation and hope over the years, and Child Champions at her Hope Center even provided a new addition to her house, so she can thrive and plan for her future as a college student.
Andreina lives in the rural area of Moca, Dominican Republic. Andreina and her family live in a humble house made of wood and tin. Andreina and her family have to walk long distances and cross a river to get to Andreina’s Hope Center, her school, and her parents’ work. During the rainy season, the family has challenges. They often have to abandon their house and find refuge because the river overflows, and they run the risk of getting stuck there. Their neighbors face the same problems. When crises like these cause danger and instability to children, OneChild’s Children’s Crisis Fund helps registered children and their families rebuild. This support is only possible through the generosity of OneChild supporters who donate to the Children’s Crisis Fund.
Despite her situation, Andreina is a talented and smart teenager with a beautiful servant’s heart and has been a sponsored child at her OneChild Hope Center since she was 5 years old. She says, “Having the Hope Center in my community, a place to go every week, learn about God, and the opportunity to have a group of Child Champions encouraging me to keep pushing further in school and dreaming has been a fundamental part of my growth during these years.”
“I’m almost finished with high school,” Andreina says. Thanks to the support of her Child Champions, sponsor and others, she has entered competitions and won awards for music. “Singing is one of my passions,” Andreina says. She also hopes to attend college to become a surgeon. “I want to help others and save lives,” she says. “My biggest dream in life is to become a professional so I can provide a better home for my parents and support them just like they have done with me.”
“Dear Sponsor, thank you for supporting me, for giving me the opportunity to be part of the Hope Center, for having me on your mind and letting me be part of your life.”
“Having the Hope Center in my community, a place to go every week, learn about God and the opportunity to have a group of Child Champions encouraging me to keep pushing further in school and dreaming has been a fundamental part of my growth during these years.”
Andreina’s Dad works in a market in Moca, and her Mom stays at home due to health problems. Their low monthly income push her family to face a lot of trials and live with less than the necessary every day.
Andreina with her sister in front of their house which includes a new addition her Hope Center and church provided for the family.
“Having both of my daughters in the Hope Center has been a huge support for us” says Francisca, Andreina’s mom. “Our house used to be smaller, and the four of us used to share a room.” Recently, Child Champions at Andreina’s Hope Center were able to help the family build another room onto the house to allow Andreina and her sister to have more space and privacy. The church took up an offering for the home addition, and the Hope Center donated some materials to complete the construction. Francisca says, “We are truly grateful for all the blessings that sponsorship has brought to our family through these years.”
Andreina with her mother and sister.
We are accountable to the children we serve AND to our donors.
Our accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring of our fund distribution. OneChild is also a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)