Life in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a country located in southern Africa known for its beautiful landscapes, active wildlife, and the location of Victoria Falls, a popular and breathtaking tourist destination.


But not too far from Zimbabwe’s large cities are communities stricken by poverty and people who are doing what they can to survive. With 95% of the population underemployed and the majority of Zimbabweans living on less than $1.25 a day; life includes the daily difficulty of simply finding food to put on the table.


Meet Lionel


A sponsored child from Zimbabwe.

For Lionel, a nine year old boy living in Zimbabwe, a life of poverty is the only life he has known. Lionel and his mother live in a block home with an asbestos roof. They light oil lamps in the evenings, and they walk to the nearby community tap for their water supply. He lives the average life of a Zimbabwean child – attending school, doing chores, and playing soccer with his friends.




Gaining a Grandchild


An interview with Wanda, Lionel’s sponsor.

Wanda was sitting in her usual Sunday morning service at Celebration Church with a burdened heart. She longed to minister and share God’s love with someone in need, but had yet to decide how, where, and with whom to share it. When she heard the presentation about children in need in Zimbabwe, Wanda knew instantly that she had received her long awaited answer. She felt confirmation that the Lord was aware of exactly what was on her heart, and He already handpicked the child that needed her love.



The Impact of Partnership


Pastor Dixon Changara from Celebration Church Zimbabwe shares his thoughts.

Celebration Church and their partner, Bayside Church, have made a deep impact on the community of Bulawayo that will be felt for generations to come. The church, in partnership with the OneChild center, has become a sanctuary for the children and their families within the poverty around them. Everyone in the community is talking about it.



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Charity Navigator Four-Star Rating

We are accountable to the children we serve AND to our donors.

Our accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring of our fund distribution. OneChild is also a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)