A Global Community for Kids in Hard Places

Welcome to our global community of Child Champions. We’re glad you’re here! We are knit together by our faith and passion for kids. This is where you will hear from our leaders about how we help kids in poverty and what makes us who we are.


We are Hope Builders
We bring hope to hard places. Hope is what drives us to reach for a better future. Together with sponsors, pastors, teachers, coaches, and others, we help kids find the courage and resilience to get to a better future.

We Are Committed to Excellent Development
We appreciate the strengths of our local communities and local churches. We are dedicated to helping them become stronger as they gain new knowledge, skills, and abilities. Our approach is about transformational development — about building capacity, sustainable approaches, and honoring relationships.

We Help Locally
We believe that local decision-making is almost always the best decision-making. Local insight, local understanding, local ownership. So, in our commitment to sustainable, transformational development, we build local capacities, and we honor local decision makers.

We Are a Community That Listens
We are committed to listening. To kids, to our partners, to our staff, and our supporters. We ask them, “What do you value? What’s working for you? What’s not working?” This is how we learn and innovate.

We Are a Community That Celebrates
Our global community is filled with people who are passionate about this cause. Who give of themselves. Sponsors who are self-sacrificing with their finances. Pastors who are opening up to connect their church and support another church overseas so that they can reach the next generation effectively. Hope Center workers and teachers making a difference in dangerous places. Around the world, we are filled with Child Champions, and there is so much to celebrate!

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We are accountable to the children we serve AND to our donors.

Our accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring of our fund distribution. OneChild is also a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)