Ways to Give


onechild crisis fund

Children’s Crisis Fund

Families around the world are facing a global food crisis — one of the most severe ever seen in our lifetime — and children are the hardest hit. Please help protect kids from hunger and malnutrition today!


Feature or banner Asia

Children’s Crisis Fund

Families around the world are facing a global food crisis — one of the most severe ever seen in our lifetime — and children are the hardest hit. Please help protect kids from hunger and malnutrition today!


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Happy Horizons Ranch

Please help girls who have been rescued from trafficking discover healing and hope for the future. Your gifts to Happy Horizons Ranch empower survivors and share God’s love in a powerful way!

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New Life Home

New Life Home

Vulnerable babies who have been abandoned need your support. When you send a gift to the New Life Home in Kenya, you help save the lives of precious babies and enable Child Champions to lovingly nurse them back to health.

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child in need

Partnership Fund

OneChild is preparing an initiative to reach 100,000 children in the next three years. But we need your help. Your donation will be a strategic investment that will multiply into tens of thousands of children experiencing life-transforming care!

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OneChild Christmas Gift Fund

Christmas Gift Fund

Share the hope and joy of Christmas with a child in need! Your gift will ensure that a child living in poverty receives a Christmas present and learns about God’s love at a special celebration. Brighten a child’s Christmas — send a gift today!

girl resting head on desk

Support Unsponsored Children

You can give kids in OneChild’s program hope while they wait to be sponsored. Your gift will help provide medical care, nutritious food, and educational opportunities. Please help children in poverty continue to receive life-changing benefits while they wait!



Sponsor a Child

You can give a precious child living in poverty love, encouragement, and vital care! Your monthly gift of $39 will help provide life-changing child development opportunities in the areas of health, education, faith, and community. Kids receive this incredible support at Hope Centers that are staffed by Child Champions — caring adults who love and protect them. Plus, you’ll be able to build a special relationship with your sponsored child as you exchange letters and prayer requests!

health and human services


Your partnership with Special Projects Aimed at Reaching Kids (SPARKs) creates shared solutions and ignites change. Together, we’ll empower kids to thrive in every aspect of their lives, including health, education, community, and faith. Choose the area you’re most passionate about!