
Getachew Teku

Country Director, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Getachew joined OneChild in 2006 as Executive Director with Assemblies of God Church to oversee OneChild Hope Centers in Ethiopia. His educational background is Theology, Engineering, Forestry and Environmental Science. He is certified Management Consultant. Prior to OneChild, he worked in different gov’t and non-government organizations at different capacities. He is passionate about Christian faith and hence worked with Christian organizations such as World Vision, Food for the Hungry International and others. During the initial period with OneChild, Getachew worked as one man team for long time doing every field and office tasks and managing 11 Hope Centers,partnerships and communications at all levels. Getachew is married and blessed with three children and lives in Addis Ababa with his family. He is Christian by faith and actively involves in church ministry. He serves as church elder at Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers’ Church. He is dedicated in his faith and envisions seeing the Kingdom of God ruling in full power and glory on earth.


We are accountable to the children we serve AND to our donors.

Our accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring of our fund distribution. OneChild is also a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)