Helpful FAQs

Thank you for bringing true hope! You are making such a difference in your sponsored child’s life. Your sponsorship is helping provide vital care and sharing God’s love. We hope these FAQs are helpful. If you have any other questions, please email [email protected]. We’ll be glad to help!

This decision wasn’t made lightly. It has been 11 years since we last increased our sponsorship rate, despite the rising costs of caring for children. The time has come to adjust for inflation so children can continue receiving the support they need.We simply can’t wait any longer, as our Child Champions around the world are depending on us.

We’re deeply grateful for your steadfast support and have worked hard to stretch every donation to maximize impact. That’s why we’re increasing your monthly sponsorship. Your extra support will help Child Champions keep pace with rising costs and continue providing excellent care for your sponsored child(ren).

Your additional monthly donation dollars will help provide the resources your child(ren) needs to thrive, even as costs continue to rise. We remain committed to stewarding every dollar responsibly and ensuring your gifts truly benefit your sponsored child(ren).

Your updated sponsorship rate will take effect in May, and the new rate will apply to all future monthly donations.

No, this increase is not mandatory. If you cannot raise your support, we can adjust your payment back to the amount you paid before the increase took effect–just let us know by phone at 800-864-0200 or email [email protected].

Your increased sponsorship goes directly toward supporting the core programs and services our Child Champions provide—such as education, mentorship, and spiritual nurture—so that children continue to receive the consistent, holistic care they need. While these funds help bolster Child Champions’ core work, other sources of funding also play a vital role in addressing additional urgent needs like medical support or food crises when they arise.

Your sponsorship funds have always provided your child with life-changing care, including medical check-ups, nourishing food, educational opportunities, and spiritual mentorship. Through your faithful support—and with the help of our local partners—we’ve also been able to mobilize relief and offer special grants wherever needs are greatest. As a result, your child has not been going without. We’re deeply grateful for your commitment, which has made it possible for your child to continue receiving all these benefits, even amid rising challenges.

However, in many communities, the lasting effects of COVID-19 are still taking a toll. Families face economic challenges from job losses, rising costs, and food shortages. For example, in Haiti, gas costs nearly $6 per gallon, and nearly half of families are experiencing a food crisis. Because resources have not fully recovered, it’s crucial for our Hope Centers to be equipped to serve children effectively.

Please take a look at our blog for a comprensive view of our approach and other stories. You can also find our financial reports here Financials.