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Zimbabwe is located in southern Africa, where the beautiful landscape of mountain ranges, high plateaus, and deep valleys offer as much variety as the customs and traditions of its people. Yet while Zimbabwe was once known as the “breadbasket” of the region for its bountiful harvests, it is now a nation struggling with severe poverty, including high unemployment, an unstable economy, and food insecurity. About three-fourths of the population lives below the poverty line. That’s why our global community of Child Champions is here, working in hard places to bring help and hope to children.

Watch the life-changing moment when Wanda meets Lionel, her sponsored boy in Zimbabwe.
Children in poverty


Food Insecurity in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe remains in the grip of severe food insecurity due to prolonged drought, climate-related shocks, and a deteriorating economy. Fewer than 20% of infants and toddlers receive a minimally adequate diet, which sets the stage for child hunger and malnutrition.

How Child Champions Are Helping Children in Poverty in Zimbabwe

Through OneChild’s Children’s Crisis Fund, families in Zimbabwe receive disaster relief including emergency food relief supplies, and families who are struggling day-to-day receive vitamins, supplies, and food baskets. At their Hope Centers, children regularly receive nutritious meals and snacks.

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Read an inspirational story from Africa: A Gift Touches Many Lives


Lack of Access to Clean Water and Sanitation

Only about a third of Zimbabwe’s population has access to clean water and improved sanitation. Drinking from contaminated water sources leads to sometimes deadly illnesses such as cholera, diarrhea, giardia, and respiratory infections.

How Child Champions Are Helping Children in Poverty in Zimbabwe

Kids enrolled at Hope Centers have access to clean water and also are taught good hygiene practices to avoid preventable illnesses. Most Hope Centers have a well that pumps clean water from a borehole and makes it available not only to the kids, but to the community as well.


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Read an inspirational story from Africa: Quenching Thirst and Restoring Hope


Staying in School Vs. Dropping Out

Obstacles to children getting an education in Zimbabwe include poverty, abuse, remoteness of villages, poor infrastructure, lack of teachers, and cultural norms such as marrying off girls at a young age. Without an education, kids get stuck in a generational cycle of poverty.

How Child Champions Are Helping Children in Poverty in Zimbabwe

Many Hope Centers are schools, where children are instructed in a range of subjects and skills. In communities where schools are in place, Child Champions often tutor children at their Hope Centers to make sure they don’t fall behind in their studies. And through OneChild’s Partners Fund, Child Champions provide children with school and other supplies to make sure they are well equipped for school.



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Read an inspirational story from Africa: Facing Hardships With Courage in Zimbabwe


Lack of Health Care Services

Rural residents in Zimbabwe must walk an average of 6 to 30 miles over rough roads to access health care services. And many health care facilities in the country face a shortage of medical supplies, equipment, doctors, and nurses. The poorest people suffer the most with preventable illnesses such as chronic malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS. About 1 in 11 children in Zimbabwe dies before his or her fifth birthday because of lack of proper health care.

How Child Champions Are Helping Children in Poverty in Zimbabwe

Children receive health screenings at their Hope Centers and medicines and care when needed. Generous supporters of OneChild’s Children’s Crisis Fund also donate for surgeries and care that go beyond day-to-day health needs. Kids are taught good hygiene practices to avoid preventable illnesses, and families are taught best practices to keep mosquitoes at bay.




Read an inspirational story from Africa: Zine's Story


We are accountable to the children we serve AND to our donors.

Our accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring of our fund distribution. OneChild is also a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)