Dear Hiwot,
We pray for you and your family that our Lord will keep you safe, healthy, and provide for all of your needs. (Psalm 16, Numbers 6:24-26)
Pray to our Lord for everything so that He will know your heart, and His sweet Spirit will live inside you. (Romans 5:5, Acts 15:8, Romans 15:13, Ephesians 3:17)
Remember that Jesus loved each of us so much that He gave His life for us so that we who believe in Him can live life through Him. (Galatians 2:20, John 3:16, 1 John 4:9)
He knows your heart, Hiwot, so always speak to Him through prayer. (Psalm 139, Romans 8:26-27, Philippians 4:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
We hope your studies are going well, and thank you always for your prayers.
In God’s love, Your Sponsors
We love this sponsor’s letter because we can see Scripture woven through every line. Although they are not direct quotations of Bible passages, the hope and encouragement echoed in these phrases is eternal.
The love the sponsors have for their sponsored child is clear, and it is infused with Scripture. When we spoke with the sponsors, they made it clear that they felt the Holy Spirit had guided them in how they responded to the child — which is why we see so many biblical truths throughout each line.
Just imagine the confirmation Hiwot would feel as she read the words and how they echo what she is learning about God. As she reads the Bible, she could pick up on these themes. God’s words are sprinkled throughout their sponsored child’s heart and life, reinforced by their sponsored child’s sponsor’s letter!
The book of Isaiah tells us that God’s Word does not return empty — it will always accomplish His purposes (Isaiah 55:11). The power of God’s Word in your letters is clear, but what is the best way to use Scripture in your letters?
Consider including one particular verse for your sponsored child when you write. If you’re not sure what to include, pray and ask God to give you a specific verse! With God’s guidance you can bring hope in hard places.
We are accountable to the children we serve AND to our donors.
Our accountability to our donors is one of our highest priorities. Our goal is to use the funds entrusted to us as wise stewards. To do this requires continued monitoring of our fund distribution. OneChild is also a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)