Hope Centers in Honduras Get Creative at Christmas

By Josela Lopez, Honduras Field Communications Specialist

Pandemic restrictions can’t keep these Hope Centers in Honduras from providing special and joyful Christmas celebrations for children and their families.

Christmas in Honduras boy in santa hat

Christmas celebrations in Honduras were different in 2020 due to coronavirus pandemic restrictions. Most of the Hope Centers didn’t have their traditional Christmas presentations, dances, plays, singing, etc., but this didn’t stop them from having wonderful Christmas celebrations.

Christmas celebrations were full of presents and delicious meals for the children and teenagers living in poverty.

For example, staff from one Hope Center visited a local store and purchased some nice clothing for the children. They got to the store at 7 a.m. and stayed most of the day, shopping. Parents provided their children’s sizes in advance to ensure the clothing would fit. Other Hope Centers did this as well to make sure each child received a nice and useful gift.

Christmas in Honduras clothes

We had the opportunity to ask one registered child, Jostin, what he thought of the Christmas celebration, and he said that it was great. We thought he would say that he missed the traditional Christmas celebrations, but he said he was grateful to receive a Christmas gift and a yummy lunch.

Christmas in Honduras - boy with gift

Each Hope Center celebrated Christmas in various creative ways. Some had gifts and meals for takeout, and others preferred to serve the food at the Hope Center for the children. Hope Center staff prepared all the details in advance, from sewing gift bags for the children to cooking the food for the special occasion.

We thank all our sponsors for making a merry Christmas possible!

Help children in poverty feel the joy of Christmas by giving to the Christmas Fund.



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