A Day Through Jose’s Eyes


My name is Jose and I am 14 years old. I live with my parents and siblings in Honduras where my father works as a janitor. My favorite subject is Spanish class, and in my free time I love to play ball with my friends and help my parents take care of my younger siblings. Someday, I will be a lawyer so that I can defend children just like me. Here is a look into my life!


This is David. He is not only my brother, but he is my best friend. He is very important to me, and I tell him absolutely everything. We sometimes fight like siblings do, but I love him so much. I live with him, my mother and father, sister, and grandmother.


One of my favorite places to be is outside in nature. I feel like I can breathe better; I feel more peaceful out there than anywhere else. I learned in school that trees give us oxygen, and for that I am thankful!


My chores at home are to sweep and mop the living room, my bedroom, and the stairs outside. If I don’t do my chores, I get in big trouble. My chores teach me that when I get older and have a family I also have to help clean – it’s not just my wife’s job. But I actually really like to sweep and mop.


I love music. Some of my favorite music is Christian Praise and Worship music. I love to sing in church when I go with my family every week. Right now, I really like the song “De Gloria en Gloria” and listen to it often.


When I go to the Child Development Center we make lots of crafts. These are two crafts that I made there – a penguin for Christmas and a purse for Mother’s Day. I like that I have the opportunity to make my mother gifts at the Child Development Center.


I believe that education is very important. I took this picture of my notebooks because I like to study. My favorite subject is Spanish.


Hygiene is also important to me, so I took a picture of my toothbrush.


I really like reading my Bible, but sometimes I decide to be lazy and don’t read it. I am working on being disciplined to read it every day. My favorite book is Philippians, and my favorite verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.


This is my soccer field where I go to play with my friends. Soccer is my favorite sport, so I play it all the time. I can only play, though, after I have finished all my chores and my homework.


Chicken soup with rice and tortillas is my favorite food! Yum!!


This is my school. I am in the 9th grade, and I like school because I have many friends there and I like to learn.

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